Kitacan's Kyesko
Love Me
Admission Agility
Grad 2 admission
I have been waiting for 2 years to have my perfect puppy so when Yesko came I knew what I was going to do with him and how.
I bought a lot of Silvia Trkman's dvds and when he was 6 months we went to a seminar with Polona Bonac. Just before his first bithday, we went to a seminar with Lee Gibson and this was a true revelation. It was THE technique I wanted.
I continued to train with Marco Willemart who took his time with Yesko and me, we evolved a lot during thoses trainings. Marco adviced me to reinforce Yesko's contacts with the Rachel Sanders' method.
A bit after, Stan Peeters trained us, he is really good. He is a nice trainer and really good to motivate and cheer on his 'troups'. Now, we train with Tamara Cuypers and Marie Huybrechts. He stopped agility at 7 years, after broken leg, too much stress for me to run with him.