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Obedience Ob  3

Agility G 1

hd A. ed/sd   0/0

Cea, igs, cl, mdr1 free


Anja - Hot Chilli.jpg

Anja  Russell- 

Bay Tree R You Ready For Hot Chilli

Agility A3


Liz - Wess.jpg

Wess and Jelte Van Camp - 

Bay Tree R You Ready For Liz



Rio - Saskoia Gunther.jpg

Saskoia Gunther-

Bay Tree R You Ready For Rio


joas - jax.jpg

Joas Wittemans-

Bay Tree R You Ready For Jax



Griet - Finn.jpg

Griet Coulier-

Bay Tree R You Ready For Finn



Ryu - Kelly.jpg

Kelly Huygens -

Bay Tree R You Ready For Ryu

Obedience - Agility


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